Friday, April 10, 2009

Play time!!!!!!!!

One day I was playing with the rabbits and my brother was playing with his car. Then Riley said "Hey Max look at my car!"

In an instant max grabbed the wheel and ran away!!!

When we finally got him we put him on the outside couch and he flung the car of the couch and jumped off and got the car and climbed back up!!!!!!!!! I think he likes it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now this is what I call a fun easter time!!!!!!!!!!

Ella x


  1. Oh wow! I don't think I've ever seen a rabbit playing cars before. :)

    I showed your pictures to my son (he's 5), and now he wants to try giving one of his cars to his pet guinea pig!

  2. Well i hope his guinea pig starts playing with
    itcuz just with your patience and practice you'l sometime master it.

    pets can do anything cuz pets are humans best friend!
