Friday, April 10, 2009

get out of my way!!!!!!!!!!

Every morning when I wake up, I get the rabbit food and get the bowl from the rabbits and when I do, they start scratching the door so they can get out to eat. When the bowl is full, Max jumps up and tries to steal food when I'm putting it in the cage. Then they jump on my
knees for more! One day, I came to play and they were fighting to be first to hop out.
They are not d e v e l o p i n g very well. Come on - be friends - share food!!!!!!!!

Ella x

1 comment:

  1. hi Ella

    I came here from your mum's blog and I love yours too! Your rabbits are really cute and fluffy. We don't have rabbits but we are thinking about a birdie, and we already have a really cute pup called Elsie.

    It's good to have a photo every time you post to your blog cos you and your rabbits are cute!


    ps Happy Easter!
